Conceptual and methodological work


Fuzzy-Set Case Studies

Sociological Methods and Research

In this paper, I show how case studies can rely on quantitative information without loss of any evidence or granularity. I outline simple tools to calculate consistency between data and theoretical claims in a case study context.

The paper can be accessed at the publisher here.

Negative Case Selection: Justification and Consequences for Set-Theoretic MMR

Sociological Methods and Research

In this paper, I argue that it is almost always useful to do case studies of cases where an outcome of interest does not occur, particularly in research designs mixing case studies with Qualitative Comparative Analysis.

The paper can be accessed at the publisher here

In Murky Waters: A Conceptual Disentanglement of Corruption and Related Concepts

Crime, Law, and Social Change

In this paper, I present a defense of the classic definition of corruption as the abuse of public office for private gain. I present a conceptual ladder of abstraction that situates corruption within a framework that also contains related but distinct concepts such as nepotism and patronage.

The paper can be accessed at the publisher here.

Family Resemblance Concepts in Social Research: An Expansion on Barrenechea and Castillo

Unpublished working paper

In this paper, I show how the set-theoretic presentation of family resemblance concepts is much more flexible than has previously been believed. In particular, I show how the concept structures proposed by Barrenechea and Castillo (2018) form a subset of a much larger class of concept structures. Further, I show how family resemblance concepts can be measured using fuzzy sets. Functions to do this in R are available as supporting material for the paper.

Coarse Fuzzy Sets: How Granularity Matters to Set-Theoretic Analyses

Unpublished working paper

In this paper, I argue that measurement granularity has a hitherto unrecognised impact on findings from set-theoretic methods, particularly those not relying of fuzzy sets. I develop tools for set-theoretic researchers to diagnose the extent to which their findings could be the product of coarse measurement rather than causally related data patterns. The paper comes with a package written for R that you can find under 'software'.




A package for the R environment for set-theoretic analyses with coarse measurement instruments. The package accompanies the paper "Coarse Fuzzy Sets".


A package for the R environment for partially automated diagnostics of conjoint experiments.

A package for the R environment for data management in partially overlapping three-dimensional data structures.


Conjoint Experiments with Multiple Questions in Qualtrics

This guide shows how to randomise the order of questions following conjoint experiments in Qualtrics when a conjoint is reiterated.

The guide is available here.

Conjoint experiments offline in Qualtrics

This guide shows how to implement conjoint experiments in Qualtrics without access to the internet and hence without reliance on dynamic online resources.

The guide is available here.